Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chicago Marathon!

Well, it's official!  Katie and I are going to run the Chicago Marathon in 2011.  Oh, and 11 of our good friends are coming as well!  What!  I know.  Pretty awesome!  Currently Jake Patton and I are on the hunt to find a home to rent for the weekend of October 9th to house 13 people.  Tricky task...but we think we're on to something.

My grandpa turned 89 yesterday!  Wahoo!

Nspire, love, and long living!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Broaden THE Horizon

Today, my Criminal Procedure class concluded at 11:45 a.m.  Take away from the class = never give police consent to search your house/car.  Under the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, you are entitled to privacy, which the police cannot violate.  If a cop comes to your door and asks you to enter, you have the RIGHT to say no.  If he pulls you over and asks to search your vehicle, you have the RIGHT to deny his request to search your car.  This is a fundamental right I think Americans overlook.  Thus, this is why I have provided this little insight to you.  It is not advice (this is my disclaimer).  Rather, I'm merely informing you of what the Constitution says.  But this is not the point of my post this evening.

What I'd really like to discuss stems from what happened after I left Criminal Procedure today.  You see, I left his morning in a rush and did not take lunch.  Lately, I've been purchasing lunch for around $5 a day.  Anything from a sub to a chicken sandwich from Outtakes (the convenience store at Florida Coastal).  Today though, I refused to spend anymore money.  I was in search for a "free" lunch.  Luckily, as i spoke with the girl I sit next to in class, she informed me of the presentation at noon.  The presentation was an  etiquette seminar titled, "Working a Room."  The premise was how to effectively conduct yourself in a meet'n'greet situation with potential employers.  A lot of what was covered dealt with posture, presentation, and dress.  But what was really interesting was how to have the effective mindset when you're at these events.

So many times, I've found myself in the past overly anxious in these type of scenarios.  In fact, maybe even a little different.  What I discovered was I was approaching the situation all wrong.  For me, I made the event too much about myself; second guessing the way I look, what I say, etc.  But what I learned today was that you have to approach it with the mindset that it is not about's about the people you meet.  It's about what you can learn from other people.  The alteration in perspective can be monumental.

So, point to the post:

Change your perspective of how you approach potentially awkward situations from yourself, to those you have the pleasure of meeting.  You might just shake those nerves and really enjoy yourself.  And, you might even make a lasting impression you hadn't intended to make!

Peace, Love, and Change Your Perspective!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Accountability when you're alone

Lately I've found myself resorting to going through the motions of the day and have pinpointed the problem...I'm stuck on easy-track.  This attitude has resulted in less studying, more daydreaming, procrastination, and an overall lack of focus.  Pardon the pun, but easy-track is just what the name says it to be...easy.  I feel like it is in our nature to find something that is comfortable and stick with it.  We go through the motions because we know we will get through those motions with little difficulty and that is comfortable.

Now that I'm living in an apartment by myself, the motivation to do something has to come from me...and me alone.  This proves to be very challenging at times.  When you have so much to do, it seems an escape has been to put it off until it absolutely has to get done.  So if it's due at noon, I'll do it at 11:30.  Not the best way to approach obstacles/tasks.

Today was one of the first days in a long time where I really stepped back and reflected.  I was on a two and half hour drive from Tallahassee to Jacksonville after spending an enjoyable Super Bowl weekend with Katie.  We actually missed 3/4 of the game because we were watching Wall Street.  Great movie by the way!  Maybe not the best time to watch it though.  Well, that's us for you.  Anyways, back to my revelation I had in the car.  I wouldn't call it a revelation per se, but it was enlightening.  Enlightening in a sense that I discovered the a vital change that needs to occur in my life.  That change:  holding myself accountable.  Yes, a juvenile lesson I know.  But I don't think I've truly had the heavier task of doing it on my own.  Most of my life there has been some other force driving me.  For the most part, it was always easy.  There was always some other guy/girl that would fail and I would always tell myself, "hey don't be like him/her."  Now, a lot of people aren't failing.  Or at least I'm not seeing them fail.  Moral, of the story:  this is not how you to effectively hold yourself accountable day in and day out.

What I really discovered was a new desire to set "attainable" goals every week.  Sure the idea is to push myself so I'm not only holding myself accountable, but the larger objective is to grow individually as well.  Rather than get these spontaneous ideas in my head and wrestle with the desire to accomplish them instantly, I'm going to take note of those ideas and keep track of them.  Each week, I might add one my list of goals for the week along with other things.  I know it's a simple concept, but how many of you are faithfully doing this.  My guess is not many.  This task in itself requires accountability.

 My one and only rule is to "set attainable, as well as, measurable goals.  Again, sounds easy, but I just haven't worked like this before.

Here's this weeks list:
  1. Bottle Beer Monday Night
  2. Thank You notes sent out Tuesday
  3. Lift weights Tuesday
  4. Go to Trivia Wednesday Night
  5. Go on a 10 mile bike ride
  6. Lift one other day this week (approx. 1 hr)
  7. Pay bills by Wed. night
  8. Go to grocery store by Wed. night
  9. Wake up before 6 a.m. two days
  10. Write Maria and send letter prior to 4 p.m. on Sunday
 Well, no monumental task this week, but these are things I want/need to do.  And so often I neglect to do them.  By setting weekly goals, my mind is not overwhelmed by the amount of things to do and I don't subconsciously enter into my play-it-safe procrastination mode.  We'll see how it goes!

Have a great week everyone!

Peace, Love, and Accountability!
